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Club Awesome

Every parent wants their child to feel confident, resilient and able to cope with life's stresses.

Signing your child up to Club Awesome makes it easy. 

This 6 week 1:1 course designed by Therapist and Personal Development Coach, Jo Rennie, is for children aged 8-12 who want to grow in confidence, increase their self-esteem and build resilience. 

After 20 years of working with children, Jo has seen time and time again how little support is available to children unless they are essentially hitting a mental health rock bottom. They often don't meet criteria for that support when they feel anxious, have trouble communicating with their peers or family about how they are feeling, or generally going through a tough time. This in itself can lead to feelings of depression, self harm and isolation.

That's why Club Awesome was born to fill that gap. We want every child to have support and the best environment possible to grow a positive mindset, healthy communication skills and self belief - no matter where they are on that scale.

It's a preventative action that can be taken today to ensure your child's wellbeing.

No child should ever reach that crisis point once a strong mental and emotional foundation has been built.

We believe every child deserves to feel confident and happy and that's why Club Awesome is a perfect first step for your little (or not so little) one's mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

The sessions are filled with fun and engaging exercises and discussions that encourage your child to believe in themselves, communicate their feelings without fear of judgement and learn how to deal with big life changes. 

BONUS: Every child enrolled in Club Awesome will receive a personalised goody box straight to their door. To receive one, simply fill out the address column when joining and expect it within 3-5 working days.


What you'll get:

  • 6 X Individual Weekly 60-Min LIVE Zoom Calls
  • Weekly activities and games
  • Printable workbook to go with the sessions
  • Personalised Goody Box delivered to your door

Enrol now!

What People Are Saying:

Doing this course helped me to face my fears and step out of my comfort zone (which I also learned about) so that I could start achieving goals of things that are important to me

Johnny (age 10)

Getting to know myself was important to me as now I can find out more about the things that I can do!

Phoebe (age 9)

The sessions were really fun and I really really really loved working with Jo. She made me feel comfortable talking about stuff and made me feel happier when I was having a bad day

Lilly (age 9)

What I found so important is that I feel more comfortable saying how I feel in front of others

Penny (age 10)

I found the negative self talk lesson really important because sometimes I give up on myself and say I can’t do this, but now I know that I really can!

Rocco (age 12)

What I found so important was that we could share things about ourselves and not be judged

Alex (age 11)

This course really helped me to communicate my feelings better because I could understand them and this made me feel more confident

Tymek (age 9)